How to complain to your builder like a boss (not a Karen!)
Sep 12, 2021
Does the thought of making a complaint to your Builder make you physically cringe?
You’re not alone. Most of us shy away from confrontation but in today’s building market, Builders are so busy and overworked that customer service seems to be slipping.
Since the grants were announced, builders have been inundated with unprecedented demand.
I really do feel for them because this has never happened before so most staff are working overtime (probably unpaid) just to try to keep their head above water.
Everyone is feeling the pressure and getting tired… but that might mean that YOUR home isn’t getting enough love.😅
So what can you do about it?
Now, before you become a keyboard warrior (or worrier!) pay attention because this is important.
I’ve worked in the complaints department for Builders before and to be frank, the job sucks.
It’s a tough gig dealing with so many clients and it can be overwhelming, tiring and thankless.
BUT if someone sent me THIS email, I would be very inclined to go over-and-above to help them.
Before I give you the magic email script that will actually get you what you want here are a few pointers…
- Don’t suffer in silence. Address the issue before you reach your breaking point because if the builder doesn’t know your frustrated, how can they fix it?
- Be kind. The person handling your complaint is in a thankless job and dealing with 90 other clients. It's tough and tiring.
- Stick to the facts and be concise. Seriously, no one likes a whinger and they simply don’t have time to read a novel of your fears, hopes and dreams.
Now, here’s the magic words to kick your Builder’s butt into gear.
"Hi Sally,
I hope you’re having a good day! (and that it continues even after reading this email...I wish I didn't have to send it)
Firstly, I just wanted to say this email isn’t directed at you personally (you’re doing great!) but I’d like to let you know of my frustrations before I reach my breaking point.
I understand that it’s difficult juggling so many clients & this is not your fault so please pass this email on to your Manager to address.
I know sometimes things get lost in communication so I’ll summarise the key dates and facts so your entire team can understand our situation.
Before I turn to social media or write a negative review online, I would like to give your team the opportunity to rectify the situation."
02/01 – Preliminary contract signed & consultant promised me X,Y & Z.
03/02 – Consultant confirmed in writing that I would get X,Y & Z (refer to attached email)
04/04 – Building contract signed and X,Y & Z still not included.
15/05 – Advised prestart consultant (refer to email attached) who said she would escalate with management
25/04 – It has been 10 days and I have not had a resolution.
This process has been overwhelming, nerve-wracking and stressful for me so I would be very appreciative if you could organise the following:
- A chat (in person or over the phone) with a Manager
- For a variation to be raised to include X,Y & Z.
- Confirmation that the variation has been finalised.
I really do hope your team can address this issue for us.
If you do, I’ll write a positive review online letting everyone know how great your team are at responding to my concerns.
I’m looking forward to getting back on track again.
Thanks for your time.
Kind regards,
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