I suffer from imposter syndrome
Sep 07, 2021
Have you heard of Imposter Syndrome? It’s the idea that you’ve only succeeded due to luck, and not because of your talent or qualifications.
Well, I suffer from a baaad case of it!
When I first started in this industry, I was straight out of high school with no skills and really no idea. I wanted to become an interior designer, so I got a job working for a high-end luxury builder... the issue was my job was scanning plans for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week #boooring. I was the ultimate sh*t kicker!! But I was determined to work my way up (the hard way) and every time I got nervous, I’d put on a brave face and told myself to “fake it ‘til you make it!”.
Well, its 12 years later and some days I still feel like a fraud and wonder how much experience I’ll need under my belt before I finally think ‘I’ve made it!!’
I started at the bottom of the ladder and have done 7 different roles so I’m a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, master of none.
I certainly don’t know it all, but I know a little bit about every part of building.
Some of the roles were incredible and some were very testing.
- Construction Coordinator – It’s so boring but it taught me how to communicate with trades and read plans.
- Client Liaison –It’s a thankless job but you work closely with the site managers, so you learn how homes are built.
- Prestart Consultant – It seems like a glamourous interior design job but there's actually heaps of paperwork to do.
- Contract Administrator – I learnt a lot about the owner and builders’ rights.
- Sales Consultant – You don’t get paid unless you sell a home so there’s a lot of stress but it’s awesome helping clients into their own home.
- Executive Assistant – This role really opened my eyes and taught me how the entire business operates because each department within a building company is very segregated from each other.
- Sales Trainer – I’m proud of this role because the people I trained are excellent, well-respected professionals that genuinely care.
Just quietly, I’ve endured my fair share of mistakes & heartaches during that time.
It’s those mistakes, that have taught me the most and hopefully I’ve made all the mistakes, so that you don’t have to!
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