Get instant lifetime access to everything you need to know about building or renovating in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step online course. 


It'll get you clued in, up to speed, and prepared for every single decision you need to make so the end result is exactly as you envisioned it.

Don't be like the thousands of home buyers that have made shocking mistakes and lost sleep from watching money go down the drain.

✔ Get it right the first time.

✔ Build the home of your dreams without breaking the bank.

✔ Save yourself thousands of dollars in the long-term.

✔ Say goodbye to the headaches, tears and fears.

✔ Gain the confidence to move forward with your building contract. 

✔ Ensure you've thought of everything, that it's well thought out and that all angles are covered in your custom home build.

The Nail Your Build Course will take your hand and help you navigate the best path to building your home from start to finish. There will be no wrong turns, dead ends, or worse, budget blowouts. Only the fastest, funnest way to your dream home.

It will translate all the jargon and gibberish from your builders so you’re speaking the same language. Never feel blindsided in a meeting, pressured to make a decision, or left questioning what the hell just happened. Get an all access pass to industry secrets your builder won't tell you.

The Nail Your Build Course will take your hand and help you navigate the best path to building your home from start to finish. There will be no wrong turns, dead ends, or worse, budget blowouts. Only the fastest, funnest way to your dream home.

It will translate all the jargon and gibberish from your builders so you’re speaking the same language. Never feel blindsided in a meeting, pressured to make a decision, or left questioning what the hell just happened. Get an all access pass to industry secrets your builder won't tell you.


"Jess and Kris' tips saved me $9,000! - ALICIA
"Jess has saved us 1000's of $$$ in the long-term" - STEPH
"This is our fourth build and we still found her suggestions and ideas so helpful" - ASHA
"It's an absolute must and a small investment with massive rewards for your future home!" - MEGAN
"Best investment ever!" - NATHAN
"Do it. Get the peace of mind Home Chaperone provide!" - LIZ

Building is a big deal. With an even bigger budget.
For most of us, building a home is the biggest financial investment of our lives and we have only one chance to get it right.
One mistake. One oversight. And it’s not just one set back. It’s an entire do over. Each decision impacts the previous one already made so when you inadvertently put the power point in the wrong corner of the kitchen, it’s not just about switching out the electrics. It’s about redoing the entire wall too.
That is how you blow your budget.
And we’ve seen it happen time and time again, all because home buyers are winging it.
That is why we created this course. To save you time, money and tears. 
In fact, we're so confident this course will end up paying for itself that we offer a 100% money back guarantee.
If you're not happy, we don't want your money so we will gladly refund you. No hard feelings - money back, guaranteed.
So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.